One of the reasons why I love working with patients with diabetes is how much benefit I can see just after a few days after a nutrition and consultation.
I received an enquiry via my website about a patient who was diagnosed five years again with T2 DM. She said she was given some medication and to eat healthier.
She researched the blogs and Facebook groups over the years and experimented with lots of different diets including keto and vegan however her blood sugars continued to go up over the years and the medication was increased as well.
Most recently the medication was strengthens to the maximum limit and another drug was added on top.
If this didn’t work- said the doctor- then she would need to start using insulin injections to control the blood sugars.
We had a great chat on the phone and then she booked an appointment for her first consult with me.
In it, we went over her medical history, diet knowledge, diet disease understanding and I gave her a solid plan to follow for the next seven days along with a food diary to record her food intake and her blood sugar levels.
Within a day of following the diet, her blood sugars had decreased by 30% and by Day 3 it had decreased by a further 10% to make it a 42% change from prior levels.
While there is still more work to do, we managed to gain some control of her blood sugar levels while also developing a very good understanding of the diet disease relationship.
Seeing these results this week made me so very happy and it makes me feel invigorated and proud to be a dietitian.
If you would like to find out how to reduce your risk factors for Diabetes Type 1 or Type 2, Insulin Resistance or reduce your blood sugars (BSLs, HbA1c, Fasting Blood Sugars FBSLs), please contact me. I am available for in-person nutrition consultations in Phuket, Thailand, however many of my clients I see regularly online, using Zoom, Google Meets and Skype.