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The Phuket Dietitian- Services

Types of Nutrition Services for Private consultations

Nutrition for Health and Wellness

Sports Nutrition: Pre/post event nutrition, nutrition for training, bulking up, weight management

Healthy eating for families and individuals, Fussy eating

Vegetarian/Vegan diet education and management

Food Intolerance investigation and management

Food Allergy Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating

Women's Health: Pre and Post Natal, Menopause, PCOS and Hormonal disturbances

Chronic Disease Management

Weight Management and Diabetes

Cardiovascular Disease: High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Metabolic Syndrome

Digestive issues: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Coeliac, Digestive health

Chronic Kidney Disease/ Dialysis, Cancer, pre/post surgery nutrition support

Malnutrition, unintended weight loss, muscle wastage

Texture modified Diets/ Thickened fluids / Enteral Nutrition

Gastric sleeve, Gastric banding nutrition management

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